The premier service offered by ACMTRAD is the translation of technical texts. This is partly because it’s the most in-demand service requested by our clients, but also because it was the core service from our beginnings, which has led us to where we are today.
We cover the translation needs of multinational companies that need to adapt all of their corporate materials to different countries – whether they already have a presence there or wish to enter the market.
The types of technical texts we translate are user, safety and maintenance manuals, designs, product specification brochures, data sheets, technical data sheets, product labels, product quality control regulations, certificates and quality regulations. We also handle the translation of legal documentation like contracts or tenders and marketing material like websites or intranets.
Thanks to the experience of our team we can translate from any of the 30+ languages that we offer at ACMTRAD. When we’re dealing with multinational companies that encompass several brands, we’re able to acknowledge the personality of each one of them, so that the translation remains faithful to its original style and identity.
This is how we’ve gone from being a simple external element to a trustworthy provider for our clients’ publication departments: send us the original and we’ll return it to you in as many languages as you need. In addition, all documents are ready for printing, due to our professional desktop publishing service.